Electromechanical Digital Recorder (DG-Meter) on HR Gates by Driving Head Principle :

Object :

Object of installation of “Electromechanical Digital Discharge Recorder” (DG-Meter) is to measure, record, store and print any relative change in water head and discharge of canal for 24 hours. Data transmission system will generate and display the following informative data on display board.

  1. Any relative change in water head of upstream side of H.R. gate with respect to canal bed level. This may be upstream of H. R. gate OR reservoir level.
  2. Any relative change in water head of downstream side of H.R. gate with respect to canal bed level.
  3. Any relative change in H.R. gate No.1, 2, 3 etc.,for gate opening in meter.
  4. Value of Cd with respect to opening of gate as per area curve.
  5. Relative discharge in downstream side of canal after H.R. gates.
  6. Date, time of recorded data.

Basic Pirnciple Used for Discharge Measurement :

For discharge measurement in canal, “Driving Head” principle is used. Head regulators are used to control discharge in the main canal. Discharge formula is as below.

Q = Cd X A X √2GH

Where Q - Discharge in canal in Cu. Meter/ Second.
Cd - Coefficient of discharge and value is depending on percentage of gate opening.
A - Average cross sectional area of gate openings when no of gates are installed in series.
g - Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 M/sec².
H - Driving head = (H1 – H2).
H1 - Available head in canal at upstream side of H.R.gates from sill level.
H2 - Available head in canal at downstream side of H.R. gates from sill level.

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